Climate Action Plan

Host a Meeting

Help us engage the community by becoming a Climate Action Plan Ambassador! By hosting a meeting with your neighbors, congregation, or colleagues, you can help the City identify improvements that can be made in the community to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions locally.

How to host?


  • Find a location that can accommodate all participants and schedule a specific start and finish time.
  • Identify participants and send out invitations on your own via email, mail or phone.
  • Send a reminder to participants two days before the scheduled meeting.


  • Copy essential material from the Host-a-Meeting Toolbox and have enough materials for all attendees.
  • Lead the discussion and make sure that the meeting stays on topic by outlining the discussion questions and general participation rules.
  • Designate a note taker.


  • Collect the sign in sheet, and meeting notes.
  • Submission options:
  • Drop off: City of Houston - Office of Sustainability, 611 Walker, 13th Floor, Houston, TX 77002
  • Mail: City of Houston – Office of Sustainability 611 Walker, 13th Floor, Houston, TX 77002
  • Email:

Host a Meeting Toolbox

Here are the tools and materials you’ll need to start the conversation (.pdf).